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Internship at SCC Arbitration Institute

  • Applications are considered on a rolling basis
  • Stockholm
  • Applications are considered on a rolling basis
  • Stockholm

The SCC Arbitration Institute welcomes interns at our premises in central Stockholm during the following 10-week periods:

  • January – March
  • April – June
  • July - August
  • September – October
  • November – December

As an intern at the SCC, you will play an integral role in our work by contributing to various projects, including:

  • Conducting legal research related to SCC cases and drafting case summaries for SCC Board meetings. Analysing SCC practice and translating judgments.
  • Writing articles and providing overviews regarding SCC's work and procedures.
  • Assisting in organizing events or other projects at the SCC.

During your internship, you will gain valuable insight into our work and the cases we handle. Additionally, you will have the opportunity to participate in board meetings and events organized by or in collaboration with the SCC. Our Secretariat is led by a Secretary General and two Deputy Secretaries General, with four lawyers and four case administrators who oversee the case management.

By joining our team, you will develop your skills in legal research, analysis, and drafting. You will also have the chance to engage with experts in the field and gain hands-on experience in the day-to-day operations of an international arbitration institution

Work with great people

Simon Andersson
"Vi jobbar vi för ett helt fantastiskt syfte - vi vill göra Stockholm till Europas bästa huvudstadsregion. Och tack vare vår partipolitiskt oberoende position har vi en helt unik möjlighet att påverka."
Karin Emanuelli
Näringspolitisk expert
"Det är en fantastisk mötesplats för näringsliv och politik – helt enkelt en riktigt bra plats för oss som är intresserade av samhällsfrågor och vill bidra till en förändring."
Therese Sörensen
"Vi på kontoret i Uppsala jobbar tätt ihop med huvudkontoret i Stockholm för att vi tillsammans ska nå och kunna påverka näringslivet i hela huvudstadsregionen. Tillsammans gör vi skillnad."

Skills & Requirements

Our internship programme is very popular, and we receive many qualified applicants from all over the world.

We assess applicants based on the following criteria:

  • You have a master's degree in international arbitration or commercial dispute resolution or are currently enrolled in such a programme.
  • You have gained experience in international dispute resolution, having worked as an associate for an international law firm is an asset.
  • You have demonstrated a strong interest in international arbitration and knowledge in the field, e.g. by participating in relevant moot courts.
  • You are fluent in your English speaking and writing skills, fluency in any other language is an advantage.

If you are interested in interning with us, please note the following conditions:

  • The internship is full-time and self-financed, meaning that we do not provide a salary.
  • The internship is individually designed with an average workweek of 35 hours, and we expect interns to be present in the office daily.
  • If you are from outside the EU, it is your responsibility to obtain the necessary visas and work permits.
  • During your internship, you must take leave from any other employers you may have.

Great Place to Work

  • Friskvårdsbidrag på 4000kr

  • Förmånlig och hälsofrämjande sjukvårdsförsäkring

  • Föräldralön och föräldrabonus

  • Tjänstereseförsäkring

  • Förmånlig pension

  • Tre extra lediga dagar (utöver 30 semesterdagar)

  • Goda utvecklingsmöjligheter

  • Möjlighet att göra skillnad på riktigt

  • Benify förmånsportal

  • Möjlighet att bygga nätverk

About the company

For more than a century, the SCC Arbitration Institute has helped companies around the world resolve a variety of contractual disputes. We're not the largest dispute resolution institute, but we're often ranked as one of the best in the world. Historically, we have played a special role in resolving East-West disputes. We have also played a unique role in the system developed for international investment protection.

Developing our activities is an important part of the work. We serve the business community, and our role is to provide the dispute resolution services that parties may need in a commercial dispute. That is why we are constantly developing our services and working methods in close cooperation with lawyers, arbitrators and customers in the global business community.

Our mission is to facilitate trade between businesses. Our services help companies grow internationally, while simultaneously facilitating trade that builds good relations between the world’s countries and regions, creating better conditions for global sustainable development.

Our vision and goal is to become the most popular arbitration institute in the world among arbitrators, lawyers and the business community. That is why we are constantly developing and updating our services and working methods to meet the needs of our partners and customers.

User-friendly digital work tools, relevant dispute resolution services, time-efficient and cost-effective processing, and impartial and highly skilled arbitrators are our top priority.

We are today the most modern international arbitral institute in the worlds and offer a dispute resolution procedure with a small ecological footprint. The SCC consists of a Secretariat headed by a Secretary General, together with an operational board comprised of experienced dispute resolution experts. Every year, we resolve around 150 – 200 disputes between parties from 40 – 50 different nations.

Raffaela Isepponi | Contact Person

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