Are you an experienced sourcing professional with a passion for IT procurement? We are looking for you! We appreciate wide experience from sourcing activities in the IT area, for example variety of outsourced services, licenses, SaaS services and IT projects with continuous maintenance. You are a result oriented tough negotiator with a passion for making good deals. You have a winning attitude and you're savings hungry.
Here at K Group, we believe in the power of diverse and motivated teams to achieve our goals, and we are committed to providing our employees with a supportive and inclusive work environment. We are working in a hybrid workplace model where we combine office days and remote work to best suit both the role and the team. Come join our professional team and start building your own kind of career in K group!
About The Role
As a sourcing manager, your responsibilities include
You are part of the IT Sourcing team. We offer an excellent opportunity to develop your capabilities as well as a vantage point for Kesko's strategic business development projects. We have an excellent and experienced IT Sourcing team to support you succeeding with your tasks.
What We Are Looking For
As a person you have a service-oriented attitude, strong problem-solving skills and a determined persistence through challenges. A team-oriented and collaborative approach to work is a key to succeed in this role, along with a proven ability to start and drive results independently. We also expect you to have a Master or Bachelor's degree or equivalent experience.
What We’re Offering to You
Why Join Us
At K Group, you get to create solutions that make people’s everyday lives easier, with the strength of data gathered from 1.5 million daily customer encounters. You’ll have your finger on the pulse of our consumer and business customers in the grocery trade, building and technical trade and car trade, and get to take part in various interesting projects.
Our culture encourages reinvention, experimentation, mistakes and learning.
We at K Group value diversity and believe that different backgrounds and perspectives are key to success. We strive to create a work environment where everyone has the opportunity to grow. Equality, non-discrimination, and fairness are our core principles in recruitment, compensation, and career development.
Corporate responsibility is integrated into K Group’s day-to-day activities, and we strive to help our customers make good choices. We want to make life easier for our customers by offering them quality products and services that promote welfare. The focus of our responsibility work is on the welfare of both people and the environment.
Did we spike your interest?
Apply by filling the application form (or adding your cover letter) by 16th March 2025. Kindly include your CV and salary request as well.
For further information about the job, please contact Kim Ohtonen, VP PMO & Sourcing, and tel. +358 50 502 1229 (call 10th March between 11-13 EET) or IT Sourcing Director Jari Eklund, and tel. +358 50 477 0330 (call 12th March between 10-12 EET).
We proceed with applications as they come in.
Please note that the chosen candidate is required to take a drug test before an employment relationship can be established. In addition, we verify the credit
information of the selected person.
A community of 40 000 employees
5000 knowledge workers in Finland
1800 experts at the K Kampus
400 experts at the Tampere office
1100 K-ruoka-, K-rauta- and Intersport retailers
Almost 2 million customer encounters every day
Operations in 8 countries
Finland's largest retailer
Retails sales 14 Billion €
3 trades: Grocery, Building & technical and Car
22 000 store employees around Finland
One of the world's most responsible stores
1800 asiantuntijaa K-Kampuksella
400 asiantuntijaa Tampereen toimipisteessä
1100 K-ruoka-, K-rauta- ja Intersport-kauppiasta
Lähes 2 miljoonaa asiakaskohtaamista joka päivä
Toimintaa 8 maassa
Suomen suurin vähittäiskauppa
Vähittäismyynti 14 mrd. euroa
3 toimialaa: Ruokaa, rakentamista ja autoja
22 000 työntekijää kaupoissa Suomessa
Yksi maailman vastuullisimmista kaupoista
40 000 K:laisen yhteisö
5000 tietotyöläistä Suomessa
We are more than 1,000 entrepreneurs and 45,000 K-team members with an endless belief in building better commerce, over and over again. We believe in commerce and the strong spirit of entrepreneurship as the cornerstone of a thriving and prosperous society.
Whether your passion lies in cars, construction, customer service, or technology, we constantly have new opportunities for those ready to shape better commerce. Your work leaves a mark on the everyday lives of Finns—how we move, eat, and build. This house never stands still, and you can shape your own career path, moving across industries and companies.
We are the House of Doers, united by an authentic spirit of action. With teamwork and a customer-first mindset, we create better commerce every single day. So let’s roll up our sleeves and get things moving again – LET’S K!
Versatile opportunitiesTämä tekstiosuus on piilotettu työpaikkailmoituksista. Voit muokata timeline-osion otsikkoa yltä.
StudentsAround 6,000 summer employees work in the K-group every year in grocery and hardware stores, logistics, wholesale and offices. In stores, there are many opportunities for learning and completing a degree alongside work.
Knowledge workIn Finland, a group of approximately 5,000 K Group employees are planning and developing the ever-evolving K, working in different functions, e.g., IT, digital, marketing, purchasing, assortment management, finance, sales and business and concept development.
Store workIn the K Group, you can choose your workplace from a diverse range of chains according to your interests. In the store, you can develop into a specialist from a sommelier to the store's social media specialist and from a K-Merchant to an expert in the field of trade.
LogisticsThe Logistics Centres of the K Group's grocery store in Vantaa and Onninen in Hyvinkää are constantly looking for new employees. The job pays well and you can influence it yourself: K Group pays warehouse workers a competitive performance bonus on top of the TES (Collective bargain) wages.
Car salesmen & mechanicsAt K-Auto, we work with the most popular car brands in Finland: Audi, Volkswagen (both passenger cars and commercial vehicles), Seat, CUPRA, Porsche, Bentley. The development and training opportunities of one of Finland's largest car manufacturers and the world's largest car manufacturer, as well as the latest tools, are at your disposal.
Nuoret ja opiskelijaK-ryhmässä työskentelee joka vuosi noin 6000 kesätyöntekijää ruoka- ja rautakaupoissa, logistiikassa, tukuissa ja toimistoilla. Kaupoissa on paljon mahdollisuuksia oppimiseen ja tutkinnon suorittamiseen työn ohella.
AsiantuntijatyöSuomessa K-ryhmän toimistoilla uudistuvaa K:ta suunnittelee ja kehittää noin 5000 mm. IT:n, digin, markkinoinnin, hankinnan, valikoimanhallinnan, talouden, myynnin ja liiketoiminnan- ja konseptikehityksen osaajan joukko.
MyymälätyöK-ruoka- ja rautakauppojen, Neste K -liikenneasemien, Intersportien ja Budget Sportien, Onninen Expressien, Kespron tukkujen ja K-Auton myymälöiden ammattitaitoiset osaajat tekevät päivittäin töitä sen eteen, että kaupassa olisi kiva käydä.
LogistiikkaK-ryhmän päivittäistavarakaupan Vantaan ja Onnisen Hyvinkään keskusvarastoille tarvitaan jatkuvasti paljon uusia työntekijöitä. Palkka on hyvä ja pääset vaikuttamaan siihen itse: K maksaa varastotyöntekijöille kilpailukykyistä suoritelisää TES-palkan päälle.
Automyyjät ja mekaanikotK-Autolla töitä tehdään Suomen suosituimpien automerkkien kanssa: Audi, Volkswagen henkilöautot- ja hyötyautot, Seat, CUPRA, Porsche, Bentley. Käytettävissäsi on yhden Suomen isoimman autotalon ja maailman suurimman autonvalmistajan kehitys- ja koulutusmahdollisuudet sekä uusimmat työkalut.
Jari Eklund | Contact Person