Oriola is a health and wellbeing company operating in the Nordic countries. We are driven by our purpose, Health for life and we have set ambitious sustainability targets to support wellbeing of people, society, and planet. To ensure this, our business keeps evolving. We are growing and developing within health and wellbeing and developing our services. Our significant role in society gives a great purpose for working with us. In return, we expect you to aim as high as we do. You will need to be customer oriented and proactive. Together we work towards an even healthier future.
About the position
Oriola’s Regulatory, Medical and Scientific Affairs and Translation Services is part of Oriola’s Advisory Service portfolio that supports pharmaceutical companies throughout the entire lifecycle of pharmaceutics. Now we are looking for Regulatory Affairs Specialist to join our Nordic Regulatory Affairs and Medical and Scientific Affairs Team. In this role you will work daily with our customer as being the expert in regulatory affairs and medical compliance. Work assignments in Regulatory, Medical and Scientific Affairs and Translation Team are versatile and variable, and you can learn new things every day. In this position you can work independently but you don't need to work alone, as you always have the full support of the Team Lead and other team members.
Personal and experience Requirements
To succeed in this role, we expect you to have the following skills and experience:
Other Requirements
We offer you:
Terms of Employment:
Application: If you feel this is your next career step, please send your application, CV and salary expectation in English no later than 23-March-2025. We will start recruitment interviews with the applicable candidates already during the application period. We hope to hear from you soon!
For further information, please contact Minna Kairisalo-Stenfors, Medical and Scientific Affairs Team Lead (minna.kairisalo-stenfors@oriola.com)
Oriola is a Finnish listed company with a solid expertise within the pharmaceutical sector. We have more than one hundred years of experience in medicine distribution in Sweden and over 70 years in Finland, and we unite all actors in the field from pharmaceutical companies to consumers in a unique way. With the help of our professional and committed employees, we promote the wellbeing of people and animals. We ensure that medicines as well as health and wellbeing products are delivered in a safe and customer-friendly manner to pharmacies, veterinarians, retailers, or our dose dispensing customers. Our expert services support pharmaceutical companies throughout the entire lifespan of a product. With us, you will have access to a wealth of expertise and inspiring opportunities in all our businesses.
Our purpose is ‘Health for life’. With us, you will join an open and collaborative culture. We support and care for each other and our customers. To thrive with us, you will need to be open, proactive and responsible – and we will help you to develop your strengths and progress along your professional journey. At Oriola, we cherish openness, taking initiative and responsibility, and working together.
Do you want to work towards an even healthier future? Join us!
TAt Oriola, we treasure health and wellbeing. Our expertise covers the entire lifespan of a product, and we deliver medicines and other health and wellbeing products daily to more than 2,200 pharmacies and other B2B customers.
TApproximately half of the pharmaceuticals used in Finland and Sweden pass through Oriola.
TOur dose dispensing expertise supports medicine safety and people's daily life. Dose dispensing also helps society to reduce healthcare costs.
TWe are driven by our purpose, Health for life. Oriola offers the widest range of health and wellbeing services in Finland and in Sweden.
TPå Oriola värdesätter vi hälsa och välbefinnande. Vi levererar läkemedel och andra produkter för hälsa- och välbefinnande till mer än 2 200 apotek och företagskunder. Vår expertis täcker hela läkemedlets livscykel.
TCirka hälften av läkemedlen som används i Finland och Sverige kommer via Oriola.
TVår dosdispenseringstjänst ger en säker läkemedelsanvändning och hjälper människor i vardagen. Dosdispensering minskar också sjukvårdskostnaderna i samhället.
TVi drivs av vårt syfte, Health for life. Oriola erbjuder det bredaste utbudet av hälso- och välbefinnandetjänster i Sverige och Finland.
TOriolassa vaalimme terveyttä ja hyvinvointia. Asiantuntijuutemme kattaa koko lääkkeen elinkaaren. Toimitamme päivittäin lääkkeitä ja terveys- ja hyvinvointituotteita yli 2 200 apteekkiin ja yritysasiakkaillemme.
TNoin puolet Suomessa ja Ruotsissa käytetyistä lääkkeistä kulkee Oriolan kautta.
TAsiantuntijuutemme lääkkeiden koneellisessa annosjakelussa tukee lääkitysturvallisuutta ja ihmisten arkipäivän elämää. Annosjakelupalvelu auttaa myös yhteiskuntaa terveydenhoidon kustannusten vähentämisessä
TOriolan olemassaolon tarkoitus, Health for life, inspiroi meitä. Tarjoamme alan kattavimmat terveyttä ja hyvinvointia tukevat palvelut Suomessa ja Ruotsissa.
Minna Kairisalo-Stenfors | Contact Person