Our Corporate Finance team is expanding. We are looking to recruit fall interns to join our Stockholm office. Internship applicants are to be available for ~10 weeks during the fall of 2025
(August-October or October-December).
Applicants should possess high analytical capacity and be highly motivated, enthusiastic and demonstrate strong communication skills. Applicants should be team players, results-driven and be able to perform well under pressure and tight deadlines. We also require fluency in Swedish and English.
If you are ready to be challenged and have a strong interest in corporate finance, we can offer you a steep learning curve and a dynamic and team-driven working environment. Your role as an intern in the Corporate Finance team will include market and company analysis, financial valuation and modeling as well as providing support for your team in live deals and pitches.
About Handelsbanken Corporate Finance
As a leading corporate finance player in the Nordic region, we provide qualified advisory services for the most demanding clients and efficient project management and coordination of complex transactions.
Corporate Finance in Stockholm advises many of the largest Swedish companies as well as medium-sized companies and private equity funds. We also advise international companies or private equity funds contemplating transactions in the region. Handelsbanken Corporate Finance has executed a range of landmark transactions in the last few years, which has positioned the team as one of the leading advisors in Sweden within Mergers & Acquisitions (M&A) and Equity Capital Markets (ECM).
Bidrag vid föräldraledighet
Banking services
Benefit in connection with parental leave
Health promotion subsidy
Group insurance
Occupational pension
Profit-sharing scheme
Corporate Finance Recruitment Team: [email protected]
You are given great personal responsibility and the possibility to influence your own and the Bank’s future development. Our various perspectives, insights and innovative ideas are the foundation for how we continue to build the Bank for the future. For us, continual progress is everything, and when you evolve, so does the Bank.
Our idea of running a bank is based on trust and respect for the individual. Our values and strong corporate culture are vital to our success and guide us in how we achieve our goals, co-operate, and support each other. Through a strong local presence, a decentralised way of working, and a long-term perspective, we create sustainable relationships that last through all the stages of life. To us at Handelsbanken, everyone is important. We come from different places with different backgrounds, experience and education. Together, we are Handelsbanken.
Mer om HandelsbankenMer om Handelsbanken
TOMBildades 1871
TOMEn av världens starkaste banker
TOMAll verksamhet utgår från kunden
TOMDecentraliserat arbetssätt med tilltro och respekt för individen
TOMRikstäckande kontorsnät på våra hemmamarknader
TOMHöga hållbarhetsambitioner
TOMI koncernen arbetar drygt 12 000 medarbetare. 44% av alla chefer är kvinnor.
TOMHögre lönsamhet än genomsnittet för jämförbara konkurrenter
TOMFormed in 1871
TOMOne of the world’s strongest banks
TOMAll business starts with the customer
TOMDecentralised working method based on trust in and respect for the individual
TOMNationwide branch network in our home markets
TOMHigh ambitions regarding sustainability
TOMThe Group has just over 12,000 employees. 44% of all managers are women
TOMHigher profitability than the average of peer banks
Corporate Finance Recruitment Team | Contact Person