Vrei sa lucrezi cu oameni care au apetit pentru mai mult?
Alatura-te unei companii globale de panificatie, condusa de oameni ambitiosi si dornici sa ofere ce-i mai bun in tot ceea ce fac.
Cu business-ul in minte si oamenii aproape de inima, lucram intotdeauna impreuna pentru a ne defini calea. Vrem sa fii parte din calatoria si din frumoasa noastra familie globala.
Avem o oportunitate interesanta pentru un Controlor de Calitate de a se alatura echipei noastre, Lantmännen Unibake Romania, din orasul Pantelimon, judetul Ilfov.
Ceea ce vei face:
Din acest rol, vei contribui la implementarea sistemului de management al calitatii, prin verificarea respectarii procedurilor de lucru si de sistem in procesul de productie.
Responsabilitatile principale:
Ingredientele de care ai nevoie pentru a reusi:
“Super puterile” tale:
Ce iti oferim:
Oportunitatea de a lucra intr-o companie pentru care oamenii sunt cel mai important ingredient. Lantmännen Unibake face parte dintr-un grup international ce activeaza de-a lungul intregului lant valoric al cerealelor – de la bobul de grau, pana la paine. Incurajam colaborarea, diversitatea, mobilitatea functionala si teritoriala.
Loc de munca: Sos. Cernica, nr. 119B- 119C, Pantelimon, Ilfov
Suna interesant?
Procesul de recrutare este in desfasurare, asadar, nu ezita sa aplici.
Pentru orice intrebare legata de pozitie sau procesul de recrutare, esti binevenit sa o contactezi pe Rodica Blaga.
Toate candidaturile vor fi tratate in deplina confidentialitate.
Pentru mai multe detalii, va invitam sa ne vizitati site-ul www.lantmannenunibake.ro
Lantmännen Unibake is a leading global bakery company within the Lantmännen Group. With expertise in bakery products for food service and retail, we serve consumers around the clock and across the world every day. The aim is to make bread and pastry a profitable business for our customers through tasty, high-quality products and innovative solutions and based on a sustainable mind-set and excellent food safety standards. Headquartered in Copenhagen, Denmark, Lantmännen Unibake operates modern bakeries around the world and has sales in more than 60 countries. The brand portfolio comprises a range of well-established B2B and BtC brands e.g. Schulstad Bakery Solutions, Schulstad, Bonjour, Vaasan, Pastridor and Hatting. Lantmännen Unibake has a turnover of EUR 1.5 billion and employs more than 6,000 people in 20+ countries. Appetite for more? Visit us at www.lantmannen-unibake.com
#1It goes right. Right from the start. New people start at Lantmännen Unibake every day. We’re used to creating the right beginning, right from day one. We’re ready for you.
#2Baking is a people business. Lantmännen Unibake has flour on its hands and people at its heart. The whole process of making everyday products takes team work, open-ness and mutual respect.
#3It's a group thing. Working for a global business is different. You feel connected to something bigger. Your team has a higher purpose. Ripples turn into waves.
#4It's about baking the future. We are taking baking further. Not just geographically but in terms of innovation. We have a proud heritage but we want to explore new products, markets and opportunities.
#5Diversity is a reality. Not an ambition. Not only are we global, we hire a multitude of nationalities. At the moment, your future colleagues come from more than 40 countries.