Maritime traffic generates 3 percent of the world’s total greenhouse gas emissions. As a premium provider of liquefied natural gas (LNG) and liquefied biogas (LBG), the Nordic energy company Gasum is working with maritime operators in switching from conventional fuels into LNG and LBG. LNG is the cleanest maritime fuel available and as a renewable fuel LBG is the future of carbon-neutral transport at sea. By offering a variety of sustainable and efficient services and solutions to our customers we support them in optimising their operations for cleaner maritime transport.
We are now looking for a Sales Coordinator based in our Hamburg office to support the Maritime unit with practical and administrative work related mainly to sales. The Sales Coordinator will ensure that the Sales Managers can focus mainly on sales and this makes the role a cornerstone in the effective sales organization.
Your main responsibilities will be:
What We Expect From You:
We offer you:
Our ethical code covers looking after people and the environment alike. We aim at building a cleaner tomorrow.
Interested in building a cleaner tomorrow?
Please apply as soon as possible, enclosing your CV and salary request. For inquiries about the vacancy, please contact Jacob Granqvist, Vice President, Maritime – Maritime Sales [email protected] +358404839129
Learn more about our company.
Over 330 amazing colleagues
Positive and encouraging work community
Shared values support our work
Development and learning opportunities
And inspiring and modern workplace
Meaningful work for the cleaner tomorrow
Möjligheter för vidareutbildning och utveckling
Delade värderingar som stöttar vårt arbete
Positiv och uppmuntrande gemenskap
Över 330 fantastiska kollegor
En inspirerande och modern arbetsplats
Meningsfullt arbete för en renare morgondag
The energy company Gasum is a Nordic gas sector and energy market expert. Our purpose is cleaner energy – We offer cleaner energy and energy market expert services for industry and for combined heat and power production as well as cleaner fuel solutions for road and maritime transport. We help our customers to reduce their own carbon footprint as well as that of their customers. Together with our partners, we promote development towards a carbon-neutral future on land and at sea.
The Gasum Group has around 380 employees in Finland, Norway, Sweden and Germany. Gasum is owned by the State of Finland and it was founded in 1994.
Gasum som arbetsgivare-
-Dina värderingar är i linje med våra värderingar: respekt, hållbarhet och positiv energi. Gasums värderingar utgör kärnan i vår företagskultur. De speglar vilka vi är och hur vi arbetar tillsammans.
-Du passar hos oss på Gasum om:
-Du är intresserad av miljö och renare energi. Ansvar och hållbarhet är viktiga värden för dig.
-Dina värderingar möter våra värderingar: Respekt, Hållbarhet, Positiv energi!
-Du värnar alltid om säkerhet och arbetsmiljö
-Du är öppen för förändringar
-Du är initiativrik och beredd att ta eget ansvar för att lära dig nya saker
-Du vill utveckla både din egen kompetens och företaget
Gasum as an employer-
-At Gasum our values are Respect, Sustainability, and Positive Energy! As a rapidly developing energy company we are determined to respond to today’s challenges and take part in the creation of a carbon-neutral society.
-You will be a good match to our team at Gasum if:
-You are interested in environment and cleaner energy. Responsibility and sustainability are a important value to you.
-Your values meet our values: Respect, Sustainability, Positive energy!
-You take always care of safety while working.
-You are open to changes.
-You are self-driven and ready to find things out.
-You want to develop your own as well as the company’s competencies.
Jacob Granqvist | Contact Person