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Experienced ML Engineer for SVT Play

  • Application Deadline: Jan. 6, 2025
  • Stockholm
  • Hybrid
  • Application Deadline: Jan. 6, 2025
  • Stockholm
  • Hybrid

Welcome to the SVT Play Content Discovery-team. As an ML Engineer here, you will work with great people and new tech, in a creative and experimenting environment. In this team you will take part in leading the way on SVT’s journey developing a more relevant and personalized experience.

What We Offer
We strive to create an inclusive and engaging workplace within the media tech landscape. Our belief in self-organized teams, the freedom to select tools and work methodologies drive our innovative spirit. You will have the opportunity to work in an autonomous culture while being part of one of Sweden's most renowned brands and be part of an organization that highly values your skills and expertise. Learning is central, and you will have the opportunity to influence and evolve both your role and the team’s mission. Read more about SVTi here!

About the Role
The Content Discovery-team’s (CD-team) mission is exploring a personalized experience to help our users to discover the best content for them. We develop our own central recommendations engine for algorithmic exposure - that goes hand in hand with the editorial curation.

Data has become a core resource for the team both for data-driven decision making and for building and developing the recommendations models. Everyone in the team collectively handles all aspects of development, from exploration to design, delivery and monitoring. You will be involved in the process from start to finish, understanding the various components of the business, with a unique opportunity to be creative and influence both our roadmap and methods.

About You
We seek you who have substantial experience developing, deploying, and monitoring machine learning models, along with general backend competence. You are self-motivated in your role, enjoy being in the forefront of technology and have a sharing mindset that pushes the team forward together.

While everyone in the team has different skills and focus areas, collaboration and growing together is the key to the team's success.

About the Team and Workplace
The team is cross functional and consists of Developers, UX, Analysts and a Product Owner. Everyone is involved in the development process from discovery to delivery and the loop back. For the last couple of years the developers have been working with mob programming which creates a collective ownership and a strong team. We think it's important to have fun together and nurture personal development through conferences, hack days, technical guilds and bi-annual two-week hackathons. We work in a hybrid work model with the majority of the time at our newly renovated office.

We embrace inclusion and believe that diversity enriches our perspectives, enhances our results and makes us better.

SVT collaborates with WE:SOURCE for this recruitment. Apply today, as we conduct interviews continuously. Last day application is 6 of january. We kindly ask that all applications be submitted via the advertisement link. However, if you have questions about the role or want more information, feel free to contact Mine Alghazi Jacobson, the responsible recruiter, at [email protected].

Location: TV building at Gärdet in Stockholm.

Great Place to Work

  • Hälsa - Upp till 3500 kr i friskvårdsbidrag

    Hälsa - Upp till 3500 kr i friskvårdsbidrag

  • Pension - ITP tjänstepension

    Pension - ITP tjänstepension

  • Föräldratillägg/föräldralön


About the company

Vi jobbar för hela bilden

Från nära till jordens alla hörn. Från förtvivlan till hopp. Från allvar till humor. Vi engagerar, berör och berikar – och gör skillnad på riktigt. Vi drivs av att veta mer och av att komma närmare. Därför går vi på djupet, iakttar, lyssnar nyfiket och låter varje berättelse växa fram. För vi har ett viktigt uppdrag: att skapa ett innehåll som engagerar alla i Sverige.

Allt finns innanför våra väggar, från idé och produktion till distribution. Vi vill vara det kreativa navet som driver branschen framåt och när vi behöver samarbetar vi med de allra bästa. Alla roller är lika viktiga och alla är specialister på sin länk i kedjan som granskar, ljussätter, filmar, iscensätter, roar, formaterar, informerar och inspirerar. Vi behöver ständigt locka till oss talanger som ger oss nya perspektiv. Vill du bli en del av berättelsen?

Vår ambition är att granska och skildra de frågor som är viktiga för dig. SVT verkar i allmänhetens tjänst och drivs självständigt i förhållande till politiska, kommersiella och andra intressen i samhället.

Mine Alghazi Jacobson | Contact Person

I'm interested

Stockholm | Hybrid
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