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Frontend Engineer

  • Søknadsfrist: Snarest
  • Oslo
  • Hybrid
  • Søknadsfrist: Snarest
  • Oslo
  • Hybrid

About Handelsbanken's new digital unit

Handelsbanken's new digital unit is established as a modern, digital organization, having ambitions to build the best digital-first mobile and web banking applications for the retail banking market. To succeed with this, we need experienced Frontend Engineers to help shape and ship the product and define the culture of the new digital unit.

We have ambitious goals, fast pace, lots of energy and knowledge of what this means in terms of investments and willingness to change. In the digital unit, you will play a crucial role in creating the customer experience, while also shaping a great team culture, product, features, and customer journey. Handelsbanken's new digital unit wants to continuously work for improved gender balance. We want diversity among our employees in terms of gender, nationality, religion etc.

What will your role be as a Frontend Engineer?

As a Frontend Engineer, you will work with a team of designers, product owners, DevOps experts, and fellow Frontend and Backend Engineers on creating an amazing digital experience.

Your day-to-day will consist of implementing stories from the backlog in a modern, agile work environment, taking ownership and pride in writing well-crafted and tested code. You will build a new banking application from scratch, integrating with the existing core banking system.

As we are in a start-up phase, you will also get to think creatively and continuously evolve the development process and ways of working by actively participating in planning and retrospectives.

To thrive in this position, we imagine that you are someone with product acumen, high attention to detail, and quality. You need to be able to collaborate with agile product owners to refine requirements and break these down into tasks, and this takes strong communication and collaboration skills. The unit is still in the early stages, and you need the flexibility to apply start-up methodology and speed in a corporate, regulated environment.

Most importantly, we want someone who is motivated by making a positive impact on a traditional industry together with the rest of your team.

Jobb på et sted du vil trives

  • Foreldrepermisjon - full dekning

  • Digital avispakke

  • Innskuddspensjon

  • Gruppelivsforsikring

  • Banktjenester

  • Helseforsikring

  • Health insurance

  • Banking services

  • Group life insurance

  • Defined contribution pension

  • Digital news package

  • Parental leave - full coverage


We would love to hear from you if you have (some of) the following qualifications:

  • Frontend engineer, frontend developer, or equivalent position with around 3 years of experience
  • Experience with Typescript and React
  • Good understanding of integration towards REST APIs
  • Experience writing own unit, integration and/or end-to-end tests
  • Experience working in an environment employing modern development methodology (automated test coverage, peer code review, etc.)
  • Experience in a cross-functional, full-stack setup with end-to-end feature delivery (joint squads combining product, backend, frontend, quality engineering and testing)
  • BSc or MSc in a technology-related field or relevant work experience

It would also be great (but not necessary) to have hands-on experience building React Native mobile applications.

We are recruiting for roles of different seniority and character at the moment, so do not hesitate on applying based on missing experience on a bullet point. We will take a look at your background and decide where you could fit in - give it a try!

Why join Handelsbanken's new digital unit?

You will be part of a well-funded start-up from the very beginning. You could influence the benchmark for the banking customer experience online

ompetitive Compensation & Benefits package with great employee schemes for banking, loans, pensions, and insurance

  • Spacious office in central Oslo (Vika), 5 minutes from Nationaltheatret
  • You will be working on a business-driven digital solution that changes over time according to the customer's needs
  • You will get to work with new technology and influence our tech choices
  • You get the excitement of building a product from scratch and taking ownership of the journey

Join us in creating the best digital-first mobile and web banking application with one of the most esteemed banks in the Nordics!

We are evaluating applications continually.

We perform a background check on relevant candidates through our partner Semac.

Let us know if you have any questions, you can reach our Lead Frontend Engineers; Steffen Lien by email at [email protected] or Nuno Ferreira by email at [email protected]

Jobb med skikkelig flinke folk

Rådgiver på privatmarkedet
"Det beste med å jobbe i Handelsbanken er den varierte arbeidshverdagen. I min rolle møter jeg utrolig spennende personer og jeg digger å hjelpe kundene med å realisere sine økonomiske mål og drømmer"
"Det beste ved å jobbe i Handelsbanken er at du får bli en del av en helt unik Handelsbanken-kultur. Kulturen gir deg selvtillit til å gripe muligheter og til å utvikle deg. Vi har det gøy på jobb!"
Employer Branding ansvarlig, HR
"Det beste med å jobbe i Handelsbanken er den tilliten og det ansvaret man får. Handelsbanken gir de ansatte gode utviklingsmuligheter i et trygt miljø, hvor vi alle heier på hverandre"
Product manager
"Det beste med å jobbe i Handelsbanken er mine arbeidsoppgaver og at alle ansatte i sine ulike roller er med på å heve og utvikle banken sammen.  Arbeidsdagen er variert og dagene flyr av gårde."
Advisor on the private market
"What I like most about working at Handelsbanken is the variation in my work. In my role, I meet so many interesting people and I simply love helping customers realize their financial goals and dreams"
"What I like the most about working at Handelsbanken is becoming part of a unique company culture. inclusive culture gives me the confidence to seize opportunities and to develop. We have fun at work!"
Employer Branding responsible, HR
"The best about working at Handelsbanken is the trust and responsibility you are given. You get to develop in a safe environment, where we all encourage each other."
Product manager
"What I like the most about working at Handelsbanken is knowing that all employees support the mission to develop the bank together. The days are varied and they fly by"

Om selskapet

Hos oss får du stort personlig ansvar og mulighet til å påvirke din egen og bankens fremtidige utvikling. Med våre ulike perspektiv, innsikt og ideer kan vi alle påvirke hvordan vi bygger banken for fremtiden. Banken skal være i konstant utvikling – når du utvikler deg, gjør banken også det.

Hele ideen om hvordan vi driver banken er basert på tillit og respekt for enkeltindividet. Vi har en genuin tro på den enkeltes evne til å ta ansvar og ta gode beslutninger. Verdiene våre og en sterk kultur er avgjørende for bankens suksess – og en veiledning i hvordan vi oppnår mål, samarbeider og støtter hverandre.

Gjennom en sterk lokal tilstedeværelse, en desentralisert måte å jobbe på og et langsiktig perspektiv, skaper vi relasjoner som kan stå seg gjennom livets ulike faser. For oss i Handelsbanken er alle viktige. Vi kommer fra forskjellige steder med ulik bakgrunn, erfaring og utdanning. Sammen er vi Handelsbanken.

HiddenMore about Handelsbanken

TOMStiftet i 1871. Etablert i Norge i 1986

TOMEn av verdens mest solide banker

TOMVårt hovedmål er å ha de mest fornøyde kundene

TOMDesentralisert arbeidssett med tillit og respekt for individet

TOMLandsdekkende kontornettverk i våre hjemmemarkeder. I Norge har vi 38 kontorer

TOMHøye ambisoner innenfor bærekraft

TOMI konsernet jobber ca. 11 000 medarbeidere. 43% av alle ledere er kvinner. I Norge jobber ca. 950 medarbeidere. 41 % av alle ledere er kvinner

TOMHøyere lønnsomhet enn gjennomstnittet for sammenlignbare konkurrenter

TOMFormed in 1871. The Bank has been operating in Norway since 1986

TOMOne of the world’s strongest banks

TOMAll business starts with the customer

TOMDecentralised working method based 
on trust in and respect for the individual

TOMNationwide branch network in our home markets. 38 branch offices in Norway

TOMHigh ambitions regarding sustainability

TOMThe Group has just over 11,000 employees. 43% of all managers are women. The Bank has about 950 employees in Norway. 41 % of all managers are women

TOMHigher profitability than the average of peer banks

Steffen Lien, Lead Frontend Engineer | Kontaktperson

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Handelsbanken Norge

Oslo | Hybrid
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