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Connect with us - Students

  • Applications are considered on a rolling basis
  • Applications are considered on a rolling basis

Interest application

We appreciate your interest in getting in touch with us! Please complete the application form, and we will reach out to you for additional information.

Best regards,
The Firefly-team

Work with great people

Karla Kvistedal
Key Account Manager
"The positive environment encourages meaningful interactions and collaboration with inspiring colleagues who share a common goal of making a positive impact on industrial safety."
Josephine Boström
"What makes my job truly special is the meaningful purpose behind everything we do – making the world safer through innovative fire protection solutions. I also have fantastic colleagues."
Jerry Elmberg
Area Sales Manager
"As an Area Sales Manager at Firefly I travel a lot, which means I get to visit many beautiful places. It's a versatile and flexible position, where customer meetings is the most enjoyable aspect."
Johan Persson
Software Engineer
"The thing I like the most about Firefly is my colleagues who always make it fun to go to work. You work very closely with different departments, and you always learn something new!"
Karla Kvistedal
Key Account Manager
"Den positiva miljön främjar meningsfulla interaktioner och samarbete med inspirerande kollegor som delar ett gemensamt mål att göra en positiv inverkan på industriell säkerhet."
Josephine Boström
"Det som verkligen gör mitt arbete speciellt är det meningsfulla syftet bakom allt vi gör – att göra världen säkrare genom innovativa brandskyddslösningar. Jag har dessutom fantastiska kollegor."
Jerry Elmberg
"Rollen som säljare på Firefly innebär många resor, vilket också gett mig möjligheten att se många fina platser. Det är en mångsidig och flexibel roll, där kundmötena är den roligaste delen med jobbet."
Johan Persson
"Det jag gillar bäst med Firefly är mina kollegor som alltid gör det roligt att gå till jobbet. Man jobbar väldigt nära de olika avdelningarna och man lär sig alltid något nytt!"

Great Place to Work

  • Work with high-tech solutions that saves lives

  • We develop, manufacture & sell high-tech systems

  • The office in Hammarby Sjöstad host all functions

  • Contribute to the success of an expanding company

  • Experience the pulse of an international company

  • Work with ambitious and dedicated colleagues

  • Arbeta med teknisk innovation som räddar liv

  • Vi utvecklar och säljer högteknologiska system

  • Vårt fina och moderna kontor i Hammarby Sjöstad

  • Bidra till en expanderande företagssuccé

  • Känna pulsen i ett internationellt företag

  • Arbeta med ambitiösa och dedikerade kollegor

About the company

Firefly is a Swedish corporate group that provides industrial fire prevention and protection systems to the process industry worldwide. Since 1973, Firefly has specialized in creating customized system solutions of the highest technical standards and quality. Based on customer needs and research, Firefly has developed and patented products and solutions, creating a unique portfolio of innovative products and system solutions to increase the level of safety.

The company’s head office is located in Hammarby Sjöstad in Stockholm. The company is represented worldwide and conducts sales directly to customers and via distributors in over 80 countries.

Firefly has subsidiaries in both Poland and Italy.

Felicia Pernius | Contact Person

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