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Senior Manager, Commercial Business Control

  • Application Deadline: Feb. 23, 2025
  • Helsinki
  • Hybrid
  • Application Deadline: Feb. 23, 2025
  • Helsinki
  • Hybrid

Terveystalo is the largest private healthcare service provider in Finland in terms of revenue and network. Terveystalo is also a leading occupational health provider in the Nordic region. Terveystalo offers a wide variety of primary health care, specialized care, and well-being services for corporate and consumer customers and the public sector. Terveystalo’s s digital services are available 24/7, regardless of time and place. Terveystalo employs over 15,500 healthcare and well-being professionals.

In 2023 our revenue was EUR 1,286 million. Terveystalo is listed on the Helsinki Stock Exchange and has a predominantly Finnish ownership. Terveystalo’s headquarters is located in Helsinki.

We are looking for an analytical, hands-on and self-driven SENIOR MANAGER, COMMERCIAL BUSINESS CONTROL to join our business controlling team at Helsinki, Finland.

What do we offer?

In this role, you will be responsible for commercial controlling, planning and reporting, and setting the structure and processes. You will act as a finance business partner to the Healthcare Services commercial function and report to the VP, Finance and Business Control, and in matrix to the SVP, Consumer, Insurance and Specialties.

Your main responsibilities include:

  • Financial management of the Consumer, Insurance and Specialties organization
  • Preparation of financial plans and budgets
  • Revenue reporting and forecasting
  • Business performance tracking, analysis and turning data into insights
  • Business case building
  • Define relevant performance KPIs and corrective actions on deviations
  • Create relevant and accurate ad-hoc reports and analysis of business performance
  • Target setting, performance metrics analyses and audit of results
  • Strong input and influence in development initiatives
  • Development of customer and product profitability analysis including tool development

We shift smoothly between being present at the office and working remotely. We expect that you are ready to work from two to three days per week at our Kamppi office to ensure natural relationships and communication.

Why choose Terveystalo?

It starts with the people. You’ll be working in a supportive and welcoming environment, surrounded by colleagues who will inspire you to be your best. Terveystalo’s Business Controlling team is an active business partner for its stakeholders and is continuously developing the organization and its ways of working.

What makes you successful in this role?

To be successful in this role you should enjoy working in a fast-moving environment. You have an eye for detail but also have the expertise to see the big picture and you have the urge to create structures and processes. You shift naturally being a team player and work independently.

You should have the following skills and qualification:

  • Master’s degree in finance, economics, or another relevant field of study
  • Minimum of five years' experience in business controlling in large or medium-sized businesses
  • Previous experience in management consulting and/or working with sales functions/management is seen as a benefit
  • Strong commercial thinking & business acumen
  • Strong financial analysis, planning and decision-making skills
  • Solid people and leadership skills
  • Proactive, analytical, and structured way of working
  • High resilience in change situations and networking skills with various stakeholders
  • Fluent communication skills in Finnish and English

Want to join us?

If you believe there’s a match between your profile and this role, apply latest by February 23th, 2025. Please also mention your salary request and the earliest possible starting date in your application documents.

For further information, please contact Petri Niemi, VP, Finance and Business Control +358 40 776 2625 on February 6th and 13th between 9:00-10:00.

Welcome to Terveystalo!

Work with great people

Johtava psykologi
"Me haluamme huolehtia myös mielen hyvinvoinnista. Työmme tavoite on mahdollistaa hoitoon pääsy heti, kun apua tarvitaan, ja tukea ihmisten luontaista kykyä selviytyä vaikeuksista."
Lead Psychologist
"We also want to care for mental well-being. Our work is aimed at being able to provide help right away when needed, and to support people’s natural ability to cope with difficulties."
Digikehityksen johtaja
"Tavoitteemme on parantaa digitaalista käyttäjäkokemusta tehostaen ammattilaisten työtä, tukien päätöksentekoa automatisaatiolla, nopeuttaen hoitoon pääsyä ja tukien yhteiskunnan hyvinvointia."
Digital Development Director
"Our goal is to develop digital user experience to ease professionals’ work, support decision-making with automation, provide quick access to care and support the well-being of our society."
Vastaava lääkäri
"Terveystalo on tarjonnut mahdollisuuden tehdä arvokasta ja vaikuttavaa työtä."
Chief Physician
"It’s rewarding to create long lasting patient relationships where we discover the root causes for their symptoms."
Johtava työterveyshoitaja
"Työni on nykyään entistä enemmän ennaltaehkäisevää, ja yhdessä muiden työterveyden, hyvinvoinnin ja sosiaalialan asiantuntijoiden kanssa teemme tiedosta terveyttä."
Lead occupational Nurse
"Nowadays, my work is more and more preventive, and together with other experts of occupational health, well-being and social work we draw on data to foster health."

Great Place to Work

  • Kaiken keskellä ihminen

  • Lääketiede luotsaa

  • Terveydenhuollon uudistaja

  • Human being at the center

  • Steered by medical science

  • For the common good

About the company

Terveystalo is the largest private healthcare service provider in Finland in terms of revenue and network. Terveystalo is also a leading occupational health provider in the Nordic region. Terveystalo offers a wide variety of primary health care, specialized care, and well-being services for corporate and private customers and the public sector. Terveystalo’s s digital services are available 24/7, regardless of time and place. Health and well-being services are also provided by over 377 clinics across Finland. In Sweden, Terveystalo offers occupational health services at 152 clinics. Terveystalo employs over 15,500 healthcare and well-being professionals.
In 2023 our revenue was EUR 1,286 million. Terveystalo is listed on the Helsinki Stock Exchange and has a predominantly Finnish ownership. Terveystalo’s headquarters is located in Helsinki.

Petri Niemi | Contact Person

I'm interested

Helsinki | Hybrid
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