To support our maintenance team at the Krautheim site, we are looking for a full-time Head of Maintenance to start as soon as possible.
What you will do with us:
What convinces us:
We offer:
Dometic is a global employer committed to equal opportunities and proud of its diverse and inclusive culture. We embrace diversity of perspectives and strive to create an inclusive environment that benefits our employees, customers and communities. We explicitly welcome diversity, regardless of gender, age, background, disability, sexual orientation and gender identity
Don't fulfil all the criteria?
Sometimes we are discouraged from applying for a job if we do not fulfil all the criteria. But there is no such thing as a ‘perfect’ candidate (m/f/d). Dometic is an employer where employees can develop and grow. So even if you have doubts as to whether you are suitable for this position, please apply if you are enthusiastic about it.
Real teamwork
Cross-country projects
Process innovations
Direct contribution to the company's growth
Various benefits
Dynamic environment
Learning possibilities
Millionen von Menschen rund um den Globus nutzen Produkte von Dometic. Sie alle teilen die Leidenschaft unterwegs zu sein – ob als Reisemobilist, Bootseigner, LKW-Fahrer oder einfach, um das Leben in freier Natur zu genießen. Unsere Aufgabe ist es, ihre Grundbedürfnisse auf Reisen zu erfüllen.
Dometic versteht sich als internationaler Ausrüster innovativer Produkte für Freizeitfahrzeuge, Hotels und den Automotive-Sektor und besitzt durch mehr als 20 Produktionsstandorte ein breites Portfolio, welches neben Kühl- und Klimasystemen auch Beleuchtung, Fenster, Türen, Dachluken, Markisen, sanitäre Einrichtungen, etc. umfasst und Kunden auf der ganzen Welt beliefert. Am Produktionsstandort Krautheim entwickeln, produzieren und vertreiben wir hochwertige Fenster, Türen, Dachfenster und Rollosysteme für die Caravan- und Reisemobilindustrie.
Expansion historyHidden section
2021-2022ten acquisitions, drivning growth in strategic areas
2019new growth strategy and financial targets announced
2018strengthened outdoor offering through the acquisition of Kampa
2017significantly expanded Marine offering through the acquisition of Seastar and Oceanair
2015Dometic listed on Nasdaq (SE)
2002-201412 acqusitions in 13 years broadened product offering for the RV, CPV and Marine markets
2001Dometic, a business consisting of mainly refrigerators for RVs and hotels separated from Electrolux
Luise Schlemper | Contact Person
| On-site
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