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Chief Information Security Officer

  • Søknadsfrist: Snarest
  • Oslo
  • Søknadsfrist: Snarest
  • Oslo

For our client, MeyerHaugen is seeking a Nordic Chief Information Security Officer/CISO

On behalf of one of the largest financial institution in the world we are looking for a Chief Information Security Officer/CISO with Nordic responsibility. We seek a business oriented CISO that can set up and supervise the correct implementation of the company’s cyber security strategy.

The position:

  • Head of cyber security in the Nordics
  • Strategic role in supporting the vision of the company
  • Implementation, coordination and evaluation of the cyber security strategy
  • Nordic HQ is located in Oslo, Norway


  • Experience as senior cyber security consultant/CISO in large complex organisations
  • Proven track record with cyber security projects
  • Minimum 5 years of experience with cyber security management
  • Ability to balance strategic and operative focus
  • A strong technical background with good insights into new technologies
  • Good at stakeholder management, with strong relationship and influencing skills
  • Goal driven and business oriented

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Om selskapet

Vi har arbeidserfaring fra begge sider av intervjubordet. Det vi har sett er at uansett om du er jobbsøker eller skal ansette, så kan rekruttering være en hodepine. Men må det være slik?

Vårt mål er å gjøre rekruttering lettere. Både for menneskene som rekrutterer til organisasjoner og for kandidater. Dette er drivkraften bak MeyerHaugen. Denne drivkraften ligger til grunn for en produktportefølje som ikke bare inneholder rekruttering, men også rådgivning. Og den ligger til grunn for at vi deler digitale jobbsøkerkurs kostandsfritt til alle kandidater – ikke bare de vi har i prosess.

Mathias Karlsson | Kontaktperson

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