User Foundations are the enablers behind many of Schibsted’s fantastic brands and services such as Finn, VG, Aftonbladet, Blocket and many more. We help more than 40 Schibsted services and more than 20 million users across Norway, Sweden, Finland and Denmark, helping those users to log-in, manage their online identity and data, and make payments for services and products.
Our core mission is to uphold a Nordic digital ecosystem for users and brands built on trust, transparency and choice.
In Schibsted you will also join a large design organisation with 50+ Designers, Researchers and Content Designers across all Schibsted brands. We host regular training, meetups, and other UX-related events.
About the role
We are seeking a Designer who is passionate about creating exceptional experiences for our users. You will collaborate with Product Managers, Engineers, Researchers, Designers, and Content Designers to contribute to the end-to-end product design process, from ideation to launch and further iterations on product.
About you
We are looking for someone who desires to design and build visually appealing and user friendly products and services. You possess the ability to zoom out and engage in strategic discussions and understand complex user journeys, while also paying attention to intricate interaction design details. Translating and transforming fragmented experiences into seamless user journeys is where you shine. Building strong relationships with stakeholders, being proactive, resourceful, and driven are traits we value highly. Your communication skills are excellent and user testing is a key part of your toolkit.
If you find that not all of the above apply to you that’s okay. As a Designer on our team you’ll learn and gain experience every day. Please don’t let a missing bullet point stop you from applying.
We can offer:
Learn and develop within Learning Lab
6000 fantastic colleagues in over 4 countries
Empowering body and mind with Schibsted Life
Career opportunities within the Schibsted family
We embrace diversity
Work with products that matter in peoples lives
Personlig utveckling och lärande inom Learning Lab
Var del av en mångfaldig, inkluderande arbetsplats
Karriärmöjligheter inom Schibstedfamiljen
6000 fantastiska kollegor i fyra länder
Schibsted Life erbjuder fysisk och mental träning
Jobba med välkända produkter och tjänster
Personlig utvikling og læring i Learning Lab
Bli del av mangfoldig, inkluderende arbeidsplass
Karrieremuligheter i Schibstedfamilien
Mer enn 6000 fantastiske kollegaer i 4 land
Styrke kropp og sinn med Schibsted Life
Jobb med anerkjente produkter og tjenester
We are a family of digital brands with a strong Nordic position, and close to 6,000 employees. We empower millions of people every day. How? We help your mom sell her boat, challenge your brother’s political view and help your grandpa lower his interest rate.
Our News Media shape the media landscape of today and tomorrow, something we take great pride in as our democracies depend on independent journalism. Through our Nordic Marketplaces, we connect millions of sellers and buyers, enabling them to make smart and sustainable decisions for themselves and future generations. We also help new promising businesses grow.
So, if you are ready to lead the way across media, online marketplaces, financial services and technology ventures – welcome to Schibsted.
1839Christian Schibsted founds a Printing House.
1860Aftenposten is established, soon becoming a favoured and trusted media channel.
1966Schibsted acquires VG.
1996-1998Schibsted buys Aftonbladet and Svenska Dagbladet, two of Sweden’s leading national quality newspapers. is founded, today one of Norway's strongest brands.
2003Blocket is acquired. Today the number one market place in Sweden.
2005Schibsted Growth starts investing in various digital brands.
2006The international expansion of Schibsted classified business is starting.
2019Adevinta is listed at Oslo Børs. Schibsted’s international Marketplaces is spun off into a separate company.
2020 - 2021Adevinta acquires 100% of eBay Classifieds Group creating the worlds largest online classified company. As part of the agreement, Schibsted buys and
1839Christian Schibsted grundar ett tryckeri.
1860Tidningen Aftenposten etableras och blir snabbt en betrodd mediekanal.
1966Schibsted köper VG.
1996 - 1998Schibsted köper Aftonbladet och Svenska Dagbladet, två av Sveriges ledande nyhetskällor.
1996Schibsted grundar den norska marknadsplatsen Finn, i dag ett av Norges starkaste varumärken.
2003Blocket, Sveriges dominerande marknadsplats, blir en del av Schibstedfamiljen.
2005Schibsted Growth börjar investera aktivt i digitala bolag.
2006Den internationella expansionen av Schibsteds digitala marknadsplatser startar. Blocket rullas ut i världen, som mest i 34 länder.
2019Schibsted’s internationella marknadsplatser etableras som ett eget bolag, Adevinta, med Schibsted som en stor ägare.
2009 - 2019Schibsted Growth utökar portföljen som vid 2019 består av över 20 bolag
2020-2021Adevinta förvärvar eBay Classifieds Group och skapar världens största digitala marknadsplats. I samband med affären köper Schibsted de danska marknadsplatserna DBA och Bilbasen.
1839Christian Schibsted grunnla Schibsted forlag.
1860Aftenposten etableres og blir raskt en betrodd mediekanal.
1966Schibsted kjøper VG.
1996 - 1998Schibsted kjøper Aftonbladet og SvD, to av Sveriges ledende nasjonale aviser.
1996 - blir etablert, i dag en av Norges sterkeste merkevarer.
2003Schibsted kjøper Blocket. I dag den største markedsplassen i Sverige.
2005Schibsted Growth starter å investere i ulike digitale selskaper.
2006Den internasjonale ekspansjonen av Schibsted digitale markedsplasser starter.
2009Bergens Tidende, Stavanger Aftenblad og Fædrelandsvennen er fullt innarbeidet i Schibsted.
2019Adevinta blir børsnotert på Oslo Børs. Schibsteds internasjonale markedsplasser blir etablert i et eget selskap.
2020 - 2021Adevinta inngår avtale om å overta 100% av eBay Classifieds Group, og danner dermed verdens største online rubrikkselskap. Som en del av avtalen kjøper Schibsted og