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Distributor Sydöstra Skåne

We are always looking for new distributors, so don't hesitate to submit a spontaneous application here!

Being a distributor is independent work with many advantages. The duties include distributing newspapers, packages, mail, advertising and community information to all types of residences and businesses.

The distribution takes place outdoors at night. It is physically demanding work with a high pace, many stairs and with varying weather conditions. For the distribution, we use company cars, electric mopeds, electric bicycles or pedestrian carts depending on the geography. You should live in or near the area where you work.

The working hours are scheduled sometime between 02:00 and 06:30 on weekdays and between 02:00 and 07:00 on weekends. Actual working hours may vary from night to night. In case of delay, the work can last until 07:30 on weekdays and 08:30 on weekends.

Skills and qualifications

We are looking for you who want to become the local hero by delivering home values to people. You are responsible, punctual and have a high sense of service. Our distributors include students, retirees, entrepreneurs and others who want a main or extra income. We are proud of the diversity.

Requirements - to be able to work with us you must:

  • Be at least 18 years old
  • Have good knowledge of Swedish or English
  • Possess a personal identification number or coordination number
  • Hold a valid work permit
  • Enjoy working at night
  • Cope with physically demanding work outdoors
  • Car districts requires a Swedish or EU driver's license
  • Paxster district requires AM driver's license

Work with great people

Distributör Kristianstad
"Mitt yrke som distributör ger mig möjlighet att göra fler saker jag gillar."
Nattchef Karlskrona
"Det är tack vare mitt nattjobb jag kan plugga heltid och utveckla mitt stora intresse."
Distributör Borås
"Att arbeta som distributör hos Point logistik är ett utomordentligt bra sätt att komma in i det svenska samhället eller yrkeslivet."
Fordonsassistent tidigare distributör Kalmar
"Jag har fria eftermiddagar då jag kan ägna mig åt mina fritidsintressen."

Great Place to Work

  • Kollektivavtal

  • Friskvårdsbidrag

  • Rabatt hos Fitness24Seven

  • Skocheck

  • Arbetsjacka

  • Försäkring i Falck Healthcare

  • Terminalglasögon

  • Prenumeration på GM-tidning

  • Collective agreement

  • Wellness Compensation

  • Discount at Fitness24Seven

  • Shoe check

  • Work jacket

About the company

We at Point logistik are experts in last-mile distribution and are located in Borås–Sjuhärad, Växjö–Kronoberg, Kalmar, Karlskrona–Blekinge and Kristianstad–Östra Skåne. Our main mission is to distribute newspapers. In our distribution network, we offer companies services for the delivery of magazines, mail and packages. Together with Early Bird, a company owned by Sweden's largest media houses, we deliver to people throughout the country.

We want to be the local heroes that help e-tailers survive and simplify everyday life for the many people. We are also the local partner who helps others succeed and who knows our surroundings.

Our vision is to give people a better start to the day. It is also a vision that is in line with our owner media group Gota Media AB's ambition to be involved in creating a better society. A day starts well when the mailbox is filled with expectations, surprises, important items in the form of newspapers, mail and packages. For distributors, a day can start well when your part-time work at Point creates opportunities!

Vi håller vad vi lovarVi kommer i tid. Vi levererar det vi ska. Vi hittar lösningar. Vi ser till kundens behov. Vi planerar körning utan tidsoptimism.

Vi värnar varandra och våVi visar hänsyn i trafiken. Vi samarbetar med varandra, våra kunder och uppdragsgivare. Vi tar vårt miljö- och klimatarbete på allvar. Vi värnar lokala verksamheter. Vi agerar som ett föredöme för andra. Vi agerar och bemöter alla professionellt och med respekt.

Vi uttrycker oss begripliVi använder enkelt språk. Vi kollar så att andra förstår. Vi stämmer av och frågar om vi är osäkra.

We keep what we promiseWe'll arrive on time. We deliver what we are supposed to. We find solutions. We look after the customer's needs. We plan our distribution without time optimism.

We protect each other andWe show consideration in traffic. We collaborate with each other, our customers and clients. We take our environmental and climate work seriously. We protect local businesses. We act as an example for others. We act and treat everyone in a professional and respectful manner.

We express ourselves compWe use simple language. We check so that others can understand. We check and ask if we are unsure.

Jonas Andersson | Contact Person

I'm interested
Point Logistik Gota Media AB

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