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Career PT.Vale Indonesia Tbk
I'm interested






Entry level

Contact Person
Niko Kanter

Job Description

Saat ini PT Vale Indonesia Tbk mencari orang-orang berbakat yang menginginkan karir yang sesuai ambisi mereka dan ulet, mau bekerja keras, memiliki motivasi yang tinggi, integritas, dan menghormati upaya mereka untuk mengisi peran berikut:

Posisitions Jobs:
• Accounting & Finance,
• Admin Hr,
• Mining Engineering, Civil Engineering, Building Engineering
• Manufacturing,
• Supervisior,
• Sciences,
• Service,
• Training & Education,

• Min D3 Sederajat
• Memiliki pengalaman kerja / bisnis
• Usia Max 45 tahun.
• Memiliki Keterampilan Manajemen Proyek yang baik
• Memiliki ketajaman bisnis, kreatif di Bidang Pemasaran/Penjualan.
• Memiliki Semangat Teamwork, pekerja keras, mampu memotivasi diri untuk menyelesaikan tugas yang didelegasikan.
• Memiliki niat kerja yang kuat, integritas & motivasi tinggi, berdedikasi dan jujur.
• Memiliki kemampuan berkomunikasi yang baik.

Cara Melamar:
Harap kirimkan CV Anda,Photocopy bukti pengalaman kerja , Transkrip Nilai,
Pas photo ukurn 4×6,Identitas asli KTP/SIM.
Via email: [email protected]

  • Max Data 10 MB

  • Hanya Pelamar yang memenuhi kualifikasi yang akan kami proses

  • Cantumkan dalam surat lamaran, anda mengetahui informasi lowongan ini tanggal berapa dan dari mana

About the company

About Vale

PT Vale Indonesia Tbk is a subsidiary of Vale, a global mining company headquartered in Brazil. Formerly PT International Nickel Indonesia Tbk. (PT Inco), the company operates open-pit nickel mines and a processing plant in Sorowako, on the island of Sulawesi in Indonesia since 1968. Today we are the largest nickel producer in Indonesia and contributed 5% of world nickel supply.

We mine laterite/saprolite nickel and produce nickel matte, an intermediate product mainly shipped to Japan.

Nickel is most commonly used in combination with other metals to form alloys and known for its versatility and resistance to oxidation and corrosion. It retains its characteristics even when subjected to extreme temperatures. Nickel is used in many products and applications, such as televisions, rechargeable batteries and CD/DVD pressing as well as coins, cutlery and even railroad cars.

Our production lines operate with clean energy generated by our three hydroelectric power plants, which are in total produce 365 mega watts of electricity power. With an investment of $2 billion, we expect to increase production to 120 thousand metric tons of nickel matte within the next five years.

PT Vale has been committed to adding value and building a positive legacy for Indonesian next generations.

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