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Open Application - Lime Go

Lime Go is the startup subsidiary of Lime with a unique CRM-product filled with company data. Join us and our European journey!

Work with great people

Max Nyman
"Let's Go to Europe! (hehe)"
Janina Söderqvist
"Working at Lime Go is boring - said no one ever!"
Hanna Wenhov
Marketing Manager
"Branding is what people say about your business when you're not in the room.."
Patrik von Berlepsch
Customer Success Team Manager
Jonas Lundmark
Customer Success Manager
Stavros Anastasiadis
Engineering Manager

Skills & Requirements

You should be hungry and have a growth mindset.

Product is not the only option - something had to be selected so hit us up if you're into our vibe and you think we should hire you!

Great Place to Work

  • Tight-knit team

  • Collective agreement

  • Startup & place to grow

  • Modern UI

  • Clear vision for the future

  • Stock saving program

  • Flexible work preferences

  • Competitive salary

  • Company & team trips

  • International expansion

  • Avg. growth 20%/year = new roles

About the company

At Lime, you find a listed company with 9 offices in 6 countries. Founded in 1990 we have been growing by approximately 20 % per year since 2000 – a pace we intend to keep. In 2020 we opened our first non-Nordic office in The Netherlands. Since then, we have entered Germany, and are continuously working on further expansion and acquisition strategies. But those are just facts and figures.

The truly great thing about Lime is the people working here. We are a caring and high performing group of people who spread customer love. We go all in to create a world where every customer experience exceeds expectations, making customers’ lives easier through spot-on software and on-point expertise. Something that is still unique for a software company like Lime is that we own the entire product life cycle ourselves. We take care of software development, delivery, and support. We are responsible for keeping the chain intact and running smoothly. We call it #dontbreakthechain

202315 people onboard. All time high records, launching new price tiers, rewamp website, launching new product features & integrations. Let's go

2022Lime Go breaks loose and becomes a brand new business area within the Lime Group. 3 employees and a clear vision is set! This is only the beginning.. 6 months later and 11 people onboard. Larger deals, bigger customers and launching in Norway & Denmark.

2021The new interface is launched for all customers, leaving Knockout and facing the future in React/Redux in a modern & powerful suit.

2020The new UI released and the inflow at our support department was quiet as a bad joke on a stiff dinner party. Success!

2019Redesign project initiated. Lots of customer interviews, betas and bugs. ~30 thousand lines of code was about to happen in 1,5 years.

2013The first version of Lime Go is born.

2011Development started.

Max Nyman | Contact Person

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Lime Go

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