Oh oh! Awesome! {$ msg.text $} ({$ msg.count $})

Location as a ways of communication.

The vision for Cape is to use location as an easy, constant and automated way of communicating. An app where you understand and are in full control of what is being shared and with who.

Whether you want to share only that you are in a safe place or out & about; or as you are out & about you want to leave digital breadcrumbs through the geo- tagged chat; or even live location sharing where useful with your closest friends.

You are in control, you decide.

The idea came from constantly worrying if my friends got home after night outs. People would promise to let you know when they got home and people tend to forget!

I thought in today’s tech filled world there must be some app we could use to gel solve this, I looked and there were apps that you could share your location all off the time, live location on a map, but my friends and I weren’t comfortable using these. They felt intrusive and unnecessary, we just needed something that would let people know we were ok without having to be tracked the whole time.

With Cape we are using your location but in a way that gives peace of mind without invading your privacy.

The current version of the app targets millennial females and those who care about her. It allows you to see if your friends are in pre-set “safe places” and it works automatically, so at the end of a long night out or an online date all you have to do is walk through the front door and your friends will see you are safe but not exactly where you are.

2015Cape Founded

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Work with great people

Victoria Haynes
Founder & CEO
"We wanted to find a way to use location that people are comfortable with."
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Tech Co-Founder