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Doremir Music Research AB is a leading “Musical Intelligence Company” based in Stockholm, Sweden.

Doremir’s new software suite, have the goal of becoming the ultimate platform for creative, active Music Entertainment and Music Education. Doremir’s unique technology enables users to easier than ever before capture and digitize their musical creativity – just like “Google Translate”, but for music. The technology behind this product is based on 20 years of research in music cognition. The company is backed by Swedish and International Private Investors together with the VC Fund Almi invest.

“Our vision is to reach a wide audience of music amateurs and lovers of music who never thought they could write a song, as well as professional and accomplished musicians. This product package is revolutionizing the way music is recorded and shared, by professional musicians as well as the teenage garage bands across the world”, says Daniel Zangger Borch, CEO at DoReMIR.

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Great Place to Work

  • Office located in central Stockholm

  • A small friendly team having great fun

Doremir Music Research
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