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Today, 7 of 10 Swedes walk around with an untreated skin problem. And even with a doctors' referral, you have to wait up to 6 months to get qualified help.

Wait no more.

We started Dr Hud because we believe that skin patients deserve a better healthcare experience. Several of us have ourselves suffered from skin problems, long waiting times and incorrect assessments, and unfortunately we are not alone.

The team, which consists of both dermatologists and people with many years of experience in healthcare scaleups (incl Kry, Mindler, BCG and others), aim to offer a service that is better for patients, doctors and the healthcare system as a whole.

Let's fix skin. One rash at a time.

Sting Accelerator 2023Part of the Sting Accelerator S/S batch

KI InnovationsPart of the KI Innovations coaching programme

Vinnova & ALMIVerification grants (2023)

Available Jobs

Great Place to Work

  • Generous health stipend

  • Yearly tech stipend

  • Equity for all FTE's

  • Office @ A House (Sting) in central Stockholm

  • Ok salary for a startup

Work with great people

Linus Holmsäter
CEO & Co-founder
"Not a Doctor"
Victor Axelsson
Johan Schager
Head of Product
Susanna S
Chief Medical Officer