The undisputed global leader in sustainable inspirational adventure travel — a catalyst for change towards a greener travel industry. Formed in 1893, Hurtigruten Group is the world’s leading adventure travel group. We have 2,400+ employees worldwide, representing more than 50 nationalities. They form part of three main business units — Hurtigruten Expeditions, Hurtigruten Coastal Express, and Hurtigruten Svalbard — which offer unique small-ship and land-based adventures from pole-to-pole.
For almost 130 years we have pushed boundaries on expedition travel and sailed tourists, locals and cargo around the Norwegian coastline and polar regions. We have made Norway more connected, impacting the lives of millions of people. And we continue to share knowledge with our international guests about wildlife, local communities, science and the natural world.
As a Group, we are revolutionising the travel industry’s approach to sustainability through a number of vital initiatives to protect the world we explore.
Quick overviewTOM
Single-use plastic banHurtigruten was the first major travel company to have removed single-use plastic from its entire fleet and our hotels.
Hybrid Explorer shipsHurtigruten has two hybrid-electric powered expedition cruise ships that offer a 20% reduction of fuel consumption.
Beach cleanupsHurtigruten Expedition Teams encourage guests to take part in beach clean-ups, which results in several metric tonnes of trash every year being removed.
Hurtigruten FoundationThe Foundation specialises in the conservation of endangered species, fighting against marine and plastic pollution.
Abschaffung von EinwegplaHurtigruten war das erste große Reiseunternehmen, das Einwegplastik aus der gesamten Flotte und aus den Hotels verbannt hat.
Hybrid-ExpeditionsschiffeHurtigruten verfügt über zwei Expeditionsschiffe mit Hybrid-Elektroantrieb, mit denen der Treibstoffverbrauch um 20 % gesenkt werden kann.
StrandreinigungenDie Hurtigruten Expeditionsteams motivieren ihre Gäste, an Strandsäuberungen teilzunehmen, wodurch jedes Jahr mehrere Tonnen Müll beseitigt werden.
Hurtigruten FoundationDie Stiftung fördert Projekte, die sich für die Erhaltung bedrohter Arten sowie den Kampf gegen Meeresverschmutzung und Plastikmüll engagieren.
I korte trekkTOM
Forbud mot engangsplastHurtigruten Group er det første store reiseselskapet som fjernet engangsplast fra hele flåten og hotellene våre.
Hybride ekspedisjonsskipHurtigruten Group har to hybridelektriske ekspedisjonsskip som betyr 20 % redusert drivstofforbruk.
StrandryddingHurtigrutens ekspedisjonsteam oppfordrer gjestene til å delta i strandrydding, noe som resulterer i at flere tonn søppel blir fjernet hvert år.
Hurtigruten FoundationStiftelsen har fokus på bevaring av truede arter og bekjemper plast- og havforurensning.
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