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Academic achievement is becoming increasingly important while - at the same time - many parents struggle to motivate the students to study enough.

StudyGuide is on a mission to revolutionize the way high-school students study.

How? Through generating a full study experience where students are guaranteed to optimize learning using the best possible study skills according the latest research. Students maximize their chances to get higher grades while they get more time for other things.

Parents enjoy insights in their students studying efforts and get tools for managing the motivation of the student in a comfortable way. Through StudyGuide, parents provide their children with best opportunities possible to succeed.

By adopting a LEAN-mindset to studying, we focus on helping students to study efficiently, rather than helping them with explaining the content.
In this way, we are able to offer huge value for very low cost.

There are 1 million students in Sweden, 3 million in Scandinavia and 25 million in USA.

We intend to conquer all the above markets and will revolutionize the global tuition industry. And yes, we started in a garage.


StudyGuide is defined by our values, and our values are defined by our co-workers. Every team member at StudyGuide truly sees the company values as an expanded definition of themselves:

Joy in what we do.

Effectiveness when we work.

Teamwork to help each other fulfil our potential.

We have identified our main competitors and established our position in the market

  • We have a realistic & potent product-to-market strategy.
  • We are currently pilot-testing our service together with future customers.
  • 90 % of testing students got higher grades and expressed that studying became more fun.
  • 70 % of consulted students approve the concept and signed up for continuous updates of the availability of the service.

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