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Enento Group is a Nordic knowledge company powering society with intelligence since 1905. We collect and transform data into intelligence and knowledge used in interactions between people, businesses and societies. Our digital services, data and information empower companies and consumers in their daily digital decision processes, as well as financial processes and sales and marketing processes.

We are more than 400 engaged employees working in eight cities in the Nordic region. In Sweden, we are operating under the brand UC and Allabolag, in Finland under the brand Asiakastieto and Emaileri and in Norway and Denmark under the brand Proff. Our customers are large companies within finance and banking, as well as wholesale, retail sector, small companies and consumers. The net sales in Enento Group for 2023 was 155,9 MEUR and since 2015, Enento Group is listed on Nasdaq Helsinki.

Our ValuesTogether we have defined what kind of behaviour and working community we want to experience in everyday life.

We Build TrustWe want everyone to feel trusted and actively show trust to others - trust is our business

We Grow TogetherTogether we create new thinking faster and work more productively.

We Care & DareWe embrace diversity in people and thinking. Everyone should feel comfortable to show who they are, step up and express their thoughts.

Available Jobs

Great Place to Work

  • Hybrid Work

  • Weekly Wellness Hour

  • Meeting Free Time

  • Wellness Grant

  • Employee Discount from partners

  • Lunch Benefit

Work with great people

Jonas Ben Larbi
Product Manager
"I work closely with our clients and the ultimate goal is to create and increase efficiency with digital processes."
Manali Mittal
Tester IT
"I like my work to be challenging and engaging and working here, suffice my appetite."
Esen Edemalm
Service Advisor
"There is a community at the company that is rare. Regardless of which department you work in, you socialize and help each other. The colleagues are lovely!"
Daniel Riemslag
System Developer
"The best thing about being a developer at UC is probably the wide range of applications that our IT department provides."
Jonas Ben Larbi
Product Manager
"Jag jobbar nära våra kunders marknader med det yttersta målet att skapa säkra och effektiva digitala processer."
Manali Mittal
Tester IT
"Jag vill ha ett arbete som är utmanande och engagerande och att arbetar här, det ger mig just det."
Esen Kahraman
Service Advisor
"Det finns en gemenskap på bolaget som är sällsynt, oavsett vilken avdelning man jobbar på, man umgås och hjälper varandra. Kollegorna är väldigt härliga!"
Daniel Riemslag
System Developer
"Det bästa med att vara utvecklare på UC är nog bredden på allt det som vår IT levererar."
Anna Sirkiä
Product Owner
"It’s great to have our service users and customers with us developing these unique services. Brilliant colleagues are a huge bonus, of course!"
Jaakko Nors
Product Owner
"I feel rewarding when I succeed, I get appreciation and there’s some humour at work!"
Jens Andreasson
Key Account Manager
"Jeg valgte Proff som arbeidsgiver på grunn av folkene som jobber der og at de har så spennende produkter. Jeg jobber sammen med mennesker med høy kompetanse, og vi har det gøy på jobb."
Marit Foss
Technical Sales Support
"Det beste med jobben er utfordringene og muligheten til å lære seg nye ferdigheter. I tillegg har Proff en sosial og inkluderende arbeidskultur."
Maria Larsen
"Jeg har skønne kollegaer i hele Norden. Vi hjælper hinanden, sparre efter behov, hygger os, er alvorlige, respektere hinanden Og ikke mindst er det bare gode mennesker jeg arbejder sammen med."
Enento Group
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