In 2023, FINN turns 23 years old. During this time, almost every Norwegian has tested our service. In fact, 96% of Norway’s population knows our brand and every Norwegian spends and average of 30 hours on FINN every year. What an engaging gang!
FINN is owned by Schibsted and in 2023 we joined forces with Bilbasen and DBA in Denmark, Oikotie and Tori in Finland, and Blocket in Sweden. Together we are Schibsted Nordic Marketplaces, serving over 325 million monthly visits. Our 1400 colleagues go to work every day to empower people to make smart decision for themselves and future generations. We cultivate a friendly and caring work environment, where we focus on continuously learning and development, and of course celebrating our achievements along the way!
Varierte og spennende arbeidsoppgaver
Dyktige kollegaer og et hyggelig arbeidsmiljø
Konkurransedyktige vilkår
Gode muligheter for kompetanseutvikling
Avis - Aftenposten hjem på døra og/eller digitalt
Fleksibel arbeidstid
Rabattavtaler gjennom FINN og Schibsted
Hybrid arbeidshverdag