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GHP is a Swedish health care provider that conducts both out-patient and in-patient care in the Nordic countries and the United Arab Emirates. Our clinics focus on a specific patient group, which leads to higher quality, efficiency and patient safety.

Our 18 clinics focus on quality, continuity and efficiency and it is our conviction that this comes from a high degree of specialisation. We believe quite simply that the more you do something, the better the result. The larger the patient groups with similar specific medical conditions, the more skilful our health care teams become, and it should be remembered that they were already very knowledgeable from the outset. All our clinics therefore focus on a specific patient group, with the aim of being leaders within this specialty – “Quality through specialisation”.

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Great Place to Work

  • An exciting and developing specialist environment

  • The quality and the patient is ALWAYS in focus

  • Close to decisions, good ideas become reality fast

  • Goal: Leading in each specialist area we work in

  • We work with efficient and optimised processes

  • Experienced staff & extensive knowledge internally

GHP International (inactive)
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